Monday, September 24, 2007

Got to

Here is a response to a general question about my thoughts on the internet, social networking and the changes in technology.


"It is interesting to see the trends as they form, right in front of us. 

I have a blog that covers news, politics, and pop culture.

However it has been more of a communication experiment about
social networking.

I have set up audio, video, with viral activity on you tube.

Only now are PR and marketing companies understanding the
importance of the internet.

The underground SEO experts are combining forces with
traditional marketing and PR firms.


Politics and media news coverage is being transformed, as
the print and online world change in market balance.

The internet and viral video is making dramatic change in
government and politics.

More importantly, the power of messages is a large part of
the current war. Al-Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden mastered branding with the use of
viral video.

Social Networking and technology are forming the new changes
in human behavior. It is interesting to see the trends as they form.

I have a blog that covers news, politics, and pop culture.

However it has been more of a communication experiment about
social networking.

I have set up audio, video, with viral activity on you tube.

Only now are PR and marketing companies understanding, the
importance of the internet.

The underground SEO experts are combining forces with
traditional marketing and PR firms.

Politics and news is being transformed as the print and
online world change in market balance.

The internet and viral video is making dramatic change in
government and politics.

More importantly, the power of messages is a large part of
the current war. Al-Qaeda is using branding with the use of viral video.

Social Networking and technology are forming the new changes
in human behavior. Chat rooms forums, live talk. I have just started a Live
Radio show.

I hope to be on the Air every night, scheduling permitting.

Click here to join the show!

The point being that there are many new, economical ways to communicate on a large scale. Social networks form the core, because traditional word of mouth advertising is still highly effective.


I look forward to working with other like minded people who
are seeing the world change and want to make a difference."

Saleem Siddiqui

Saleem Siddiqui is a Political Commentator, Consultant, Actor, and Public
He is a trained Mediation and Conflict Resolution Specialist. He
conducts sermons
and training for various religious and Non-profit organizations. To
have Saleem Siddiqui speak to your organization please contact us.Headshot_j

With an
effort to increase Muslim and Islamic awareness in Communications,
Public Relations (PR),
Public Speaking, Political Strategy, Media,
Marketing, and many other fields as they relate to the integration of
Muslims in the United States of America and around the world.

Siddiqui has undergrad degrees in Arabic and religion from the Middle
East and attended Law School in Houston Texas. He has
consulted with the FBI and testified on behalf of the District
Attorney of Virginia, on cases relating to National Security and “The
War on